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Buffalo Nickel Roll of 40 - Circulated

Buffalo Nickel Roll of 40-Circulated
Our Price: $49.95
Year: 1913
Composition: Nickel
Diameter: 21.2 mm

Product Code: 4549

About this Product Full Product Name
After you have browsed our Type-Single Buffalo nickels and have realized their high collector value, Why own just one? When you can get a roll of 40 of these American Classics!

Each of the circulated coins has been hand selected to ensure the 4-digit dates and inscriptions are authentically prominent. The Buffalo Nickel was issued between are 1913-1938, and minted in Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco. The distribution of dates and mints of each roll will be shipped based upon our discretion. Each roll will be shipped in a plastic, airtight tube. This capsule with insure the lifelong protection of the roll.

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