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Roman Bronze - Age of Chaos - Tetricus I (271 to 274) - NGC VF
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Roman Bronze - Age of Chaos - Tetricus I (271 to 274) - NGC VF

Our Price: $69.95

Product Code: 59127

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Gaius Pius Esuvius Tetricus I

Originally a Praeses (governor) of Gallia Aquitania, he became Emperor after the murder of Emperor Victorinus in 271. During his reign, he faced invasions from both Germanic raiders and the Roman Empire, from which the Gallic Empire had seceded. He declared his son Tetricus II Caesar and Co-Emperor in 273. He was overthrown by Emperor Aurelian, but spared and served as a Senator and Corrector until he died a few years later.

Each coin will arrive certified by NGC to be an authentic Ancient Roman bronze coin in VERY FINE condition from the Roman Gallic Empire.

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