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Eisenhower Dollar Mint Sets 1973-1978
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Eisenhower Dollar Mint Sets - 1973 to 1978

Our Price: $99.95
Year: 1973-1978
Mint(s): Philadelphia, Denver & San Francisco
Composition: Various
Diameter: Various

Product Code: 27879

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A ‘Secret’ Mint Set Collection from the U.S. Mint! The forgotten ‘Jumbo’ Dollars!

The US Mint has been releasing a yearly "uncirculated” collector’s set (called by most collectors a "Mint Set") since 1947. This yearly set contains an uncirculated specimen of each regular issue denomination coin produced that year from each respective mint! These sets have been issued for almost 70 years ... and during that span only 6 sets included the rare, and often forgotten, "Jumbo" dollars…and those six sets were the 1973-1978 Eisenhower Dollar Mint Sets!

The Eisenhower Dollars earned their unique nickname in large part due to the fact that they were the last "full-size" (38.1 mm) dollar the U.S. Mint included in their yearly mint sets! They are also considered to be very iconic as they are the first dollar denomination coin produced since the end of the Peace Dollar series in 1935. The Eisenhower's large size actually ended up being the trait that sealed the coin's demise, due to the fact that it had to compete with the convenience of lightweight Dollar Bills. The extremely important but short lived series lasted for only 6 years, ending in 1978.

Did you Know? You may be asking yourself: Didn’t the Eisenhower Dollar get released in 1971? Well you are in fact correct! But for the first two years of issue the United States Mint did not include the Eisenhower dollar in the official US Mint Set.

Every ‘Jumbo Dollar’ Mint Set ever released

We've assembled all 6 sets that contain the Jumbo dollar – from 1973 to 1978. These sets are known for their distinctive ‘Jumbo’ dollars ... but also include a few other coins that are definitely worth mentioning! The yearly sets from 1973 and 1974 each contain 3 Lincoln Cents ... which happen to be the last uncirculated cents issued at the San Francisco Mint! But that is not all!! Not only do you get the rare Jumbo Dollar Mint Sets, with the last San Francisco Mint cents…but you also get something truly unique… Two mint sets containing the 1st special issue coins released into regular circulation in the United States Mint history: the 1975 and 1976 bicentennial design Mint Sets!

The Special Type 1 and Type 2 Dual Date Bicentennial Releases

For the Bicentennial celebration the United States Mint released the special designs for the quarters, half dollars, and ‘Jumbo’ dollars produced during that two year span. These dual dated coins (1776-1976) were included in the 1975 and 1976 sets, and are often considered to be key dates within the U.S. Mint Set Series.

Did you know they changed the style of design on the Eisenhower Dollar from 1975 to 1976? The 1975 release (commonly known as Variety 1) was struck in a low relief design – with bold lettering on the reverse of the coin. Meanwhile the 1976 release (otherwise known as variety 2) was struck with a sharper design— with thinner lettering on its reverse. The easiest place to see the difference between the two types can be found in the words "United States of America" across the top of the coin. So even though the 1975 and 1976 Sets have quarters and the half dollars that are the same in their unique design...the two bicentennial issue sets have distinctly different ‘Jumbo’ Eisenhower dollars.

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