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2017 George Rogers Clark National Historical Park - Denver - Gold Plated in Capsule
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2017 George Rogers Clark National Historical Park - D - Gold Plated in Capsule

Our Price: $3.95
Year: 2017
Mint(s): Denver
Composition: Gold Plated Copper Nickel
Diameter: 24.3 mm

Product Code: 35454

About this Product Full Product Name
2017 George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Quarter
Fortieth in the America the Beautiful Quarters Collection

George Rogers Clark National Historical Park commemorates the American victory over the British at Fort Sackville in southwestern Indiana during the American Revolution on February 25, 1779. George Rogers Clark led the Americans on a grueling mid-winter march of over 150 miles to the fort at Vincennes next to the Wabash River. For much of the journey, Clark’s men waded through areas flooded with icy water.

Clark’s capture of the fort was one of the most significant events of the American Revolution, since it struck at the heart of the British occupation of the American Midwest. By defeating the British, Clark restricted the British influence in the frontier lands and bolstered U.S. claims to what became the Northwest Territory (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota).

The George Rogers Clark Memorial, which was dedicated in 1936, is the largest federal monument outside of Washington, D.C. It features a bronze statue of Clark by Hermon A. MacNeil and seven 28-foot-tall murals by Ezra Winter that honor Clark’s capture of the fort and its importance to American history.

The reverse of the 2017 George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Quarter features Clark leading his men to Fort Sackville. They are wading through the flooded plains around the fort, with muskets at the ready.

This is the Denver Mint uncirculated gold plated quarter in a capsule.

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U.S. Mint Quarter Series > America the Beautiful National Parks (2010-2021)
U.S. Mint Quarter Series > State & National Parks Quarters (1999-2021) > 2017
U.S. Mint Quarter Series > State & National Parks Quarters (1999-2021) > 2017 > George Rogers Clark National Historic Park
U.S. Mint Quarter Series
U.S. Mint Quarter Series > State & National Parks Quarters (1999-2021)
