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Widows Mite - NGC Certified - High Grade
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Widows Mite - NGC Certified - Premium Grade

Our Price: $99.95

Product Code: 47612

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A Coin of Biblical Proportions - The NGC Certified Ancient Widow’s Mites

When it comes to collecting, age and rarity are often considered to be the two most important aspects when selecting a coin to add to their collection. Quite simply put, you would be hard pressed to find a coin as old as this one: it was minted during the Times of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago!

Our two millennia old Widow’s Mites have been certified by the expert graders over at NGC to be 100% authentic Bronze coins that were used during Biblical times as currency!

Just What Exactly is a Widow’s Mite?

The Widow’s Mite was a small bronze coins in circulation at the time of Jesus Christ in Jewish currency (similar to our Lincoln cent). The Widow’s Mite actually went by the denomination “Bronze Lepton” and was issued between 135 B.C. and 29 A.D. The Lepton was produced in a similar fashion to today’s coins, with the key difference being that each individual piece is a hand-made legal tender coin!

Did You Know? Ancient coins were produced slightly differently than modern coins, in the sense that all the coin blanks were originally connected and had to be hand-cut after the coins design had been hammered onto the still warm-bronze. You usually can still see these cut-marks more than 2,000 years later!

The Most Famous Coin in the Bible!

The Widow’s Mite is famous in large part to its numerous appearances in the Bible, with its most notable being the following parable taken from Mark 12: 41-44

And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. 3 So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; 4 for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”

While the exact wording depends on which translation and edition of the Bible you use, the details remain the same: The poor woman had given all she had, a mere two Mites, and thus the “Widow’s Mite” was born.

A Premium Grade Piece of the Ancient World

Ancient coins are some of the hardest to have certified -- in large part because each and every one of these pieces were heavily circulated by citizens thousands of years ago as pieces of everyday currency!

An ancient coin in 'Premium' condition is a largely untarnished, high eye-appeal piece that looks like it is just a few hundred years old -- not a few thousand! Every coin has been painstakingly selected by historical numismatic experts as being a truly impressive piece of the ancient world that would be a perfect addition to any collection!

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